The SingPlay introduction in section 4 of the DecPlayers Club gives an overview of how to play in the style best suited to accompany singing, using DecPlay song sheets. ChordPlay is the same playing style as SingPlay, but using guitar chords instead of DecPlay numbers. The SingPlay and ChordPlay courses will be launched in early 2025.

Some exercises you can start with, would be to play songs you are learning in the Beginners Course as follows:-
  • On the DecPlay song sheets, just read the Chord numbers (ignore the melody)
  • play the claw shape in the right hand
  • play the note of the chord in the left hand, doubling up with the octave higher or a 1 5 1 style.

Ultimate Guitar Piano Chords - Quick Start Guide (10 mins)

Check out the video below to get playing Hallelujah (Jeff Buckley) on piano within minutes using UG chords

More Piano for Guitarist Videos

Intro to Ultimate Guitar 'piano chords' function - UG piano chords feature

Video 1 -
Video 2 - how to play Perfect (Ed Sheeran) and introduces the first of 3 advanced style techniques
Video 3 -