I've never met anyone, yet, who is too old to learn and our student community includes hundreds of people in their 60s, 70s, 80s and several in their 90s (like Jean 94, Harry 90, Dee 95 etc....) who have all learnt to play amazingly quickly using the DecPlay Method.
The 5 Step Formula is so intuitive and easy to follow that it has achieved amazing results with thousands of people OF ALL AGES. This includes people with dyslexia, AHD, low hearing and low sight. The step by step approach means that you will be amazed what you can achieve, with very simple techniques.
The 5 Step Formula is the proven method that uses playing patterns and a step by step process to get straight to the fun of playing incredibly quickly.
It also uses the patented PianoTabz style of songs sheets that translate the abstract language of notation into a language that you can understand in minutes. This means you avoid the frustration of spending years playing scales and exercises and avoids the need to 'read music' which is a barrier for many people.
Check out the following article for a more in-depth look at learning piano later in life, and for inspirational interviews with some of our students: https://decplay.com/piano-lessons-for-seniors/