Many DecPlay students have found that playing piano improves the symptoms of their arthritis.  It may take weeks - or even months - for the full benefits to show, but the improvements can be dramatic over time. 

Here's a video from Pam, explaining how she was able to stop taking medication for arthritis due to playing piano with DecPlay:- 

We have students with essential tremors who have still been able to enjoy playing piano. 
This is a very unique condition for every individual and so your abilities can only be determined by yourself. 

However, we would say that if playing the piano is what you would like to do, give it a go. You have nothing to lose. 


We have a number of visually impaired students who have learnt to play piano using DecPlay.  The DecPlay method makes it easy to play songs on piano by highlighting the repeating patterns that exist in Western music.

The font size on DecPlay song sheets is larger than for traditional notation and our low sight students find them much more accessible. 

At present, the course is delivered mainly by videos and PDF song sheets, however, so some level of sight is required in order to follow the instructions.


We have many students who are hard of hearing and have learnt to play songs on piano without a problem. As long as you are able to hear the sound of the videos within the course, then you will be able to learn piano with DecPlay. 


Some of our students who have suffered from a stroke have seen huge improvements in arm mobility after beginning to learn piano.


Many students report experiencing mental, physical and emotional benefits. Many students also find that playing piano is a welcome distraction from health issues.  

Click on these articles for more info on how learning, and playing, piano can be beneficial for your health: